Kratom And Shelf Life; All About The Storage And Expiry Date
With the increasing demand of Kratom in the market, many concerns arise, some of which are extremely important to be addressed. Kratom, a herb used as a natural medicine or drug for discomfort relief, nervousness and much more, is gaining more and more popularity in the U.S as well as in other parts of the world. Every day, a number of users are added to the huge community that believes in its miracles.
Having its users in such a large number from diverse backgrounds has its consequences. One of such consequences is the need to keep them updated and satisfied regarding the use of drug. So usually one would find the customers asking questions about the quality, the proper use of the herb and most importantly, does it have a shelf life? When does Kratom expire? How long can we store it?
Now we cannot say that the questions stated above regarding the shelf life of the herb are invalid. Thus they must be answered for the satisfaction of the customers and users. Therefore, we have tried to respond to these questions below, along with what can be done if your Kratom is expired anyway. So keep reading to get those answers and be completely satisfied.
Kratom And Its Expiry Date
Kratom, like all the other herbs and products used all over the world, does have an expiry date and remains usable only for a specific period of time. However, you must have noticed that things in powdered or dried forms take longer to expire, such as chili powder. Same is the case with Kratom.
But the thing about Kratom is that unlike many other products, even after it expires, it DOES NOT and should not make you sick. It only loses its potential, flavor and aroma. However, it is harder in comparison to other products, to determine whether or not your Kratom is expired.
Yet if it smells and tastes weaker than usual, there is a chance that your Kratom is expired. Moreover, you should keep in mind that Kratom products expire two or three months after they are manufactured. So great care should be taken while buying the product that it should not be more than a month old.
Also it would be of great help to yourself if you donโt buy the Kratom in bulk and only purchase the quantity that you can easily consume in a period of two to three months.
What Should Be Done If My Kratom Is Expired
As stated above, an expired Kratom product should not in any way make you sick. However, if you find that there is a difference in its smell or taste, or even the color is faded, you should avoid using it. That is because in some cases, the use of such an expired product may affect the functioning of your immune system.
And even if the expired kratom does not hurt you or make you sick, it definitely cannot produce the results you are looking for. So ultimately there is no benefit in using it.
How To Store Kratom To Avoid Early Expiration
The conditions in which you are storing your Kratom, affect its shelf life a great deal. This means that if you are storing it under the right conditions, there are chances that your product will last over a longer period of time and will stay fresh and active for as long as possible.
The first thing you must do is upon receiving the product, label it with date and day immediately since usually there is no expiry date on the package and thus youโll have an idea of how long you have it in your shelf.
Another thing that should be done to avoid an early expiry is storing your Kratom at a cool, dry and dark place. Light, humidity and heat may affect not only the quality, but the life of the product and may even cause the essentials to evaporate before even you get the chance to enjoy them.
So find such places around your house that are cool, dark and dry. Such as a shelf at the back, a cabinet, your closets or drawers. However it is not recommended to store it near the stove in the kitchen or any place near or inside the bathroom.
Different Strains And Their Expiry Dates
This is the right question to ask that if all forms of Kratom bear the same expiry date or the expiry date is different for each strain. Well, the expiry date for almost all the forms of the herb is nearly the same. However, fresh leaves or flowers of Kratom do expire earlier than the powder because eventually they rot earlier.
Wrapping Up
So as described above, Kratom may have an expiration date, like all other herbs and products, but can be stored for a longer period of time by using the right preservation techniques. Yet if you feel that your Kratom smells, tastes or even looks different, throw it immediately and always buy from a trusted source to avoid early expiry.